Team UnLimbited features in the London Science Museum!

The work of Team UnLimbited is on display in the Science Museum’s magnificent new Medicine: The Wellcome Galleries alongside other extraordinary medical artefacts. This is the fourth museum to include our work and the world’s largest space dedicated to the history of medicine!

Spanning centuries and continents, more than three thousand medical artefacts across five galleries reveal how healthcare has evolved throughout time. The collection has dramatically transformed the first floor of the Science Museum and covers more than 3,000m2, an area equivalent to an astonishing 1,500 hospital beds.

Team UnLimbited’s 3D printed arms are on permanent show, giving insight into how 3D printing helps the limb difference community and the many ways our open-source designs are transforming lives around the world. 

Stephen Davies, our co-founder, said: “This is a huge step for us and an honour. We are so excited that our work is being showcased in such an amazing new collection and will educate people of all ages about the creative solutions there are beyond traditional bionics.”

Fellow Co-Founder, Drew Murray, shared: “Sharing our passion and having it recorded in history in this spectacular collection is incredibly humbling. The Science Museum is iconic and we hope this will inspire the next generation to confidently explore their own ideas while showing how innovative technology can bring imaginative ideas to life.”

For those who don’t already know, Team UnLimbited is also featured in the London Design Museum, the National Waterfront Museum in Swansea, and the Sheikh Abdullah Al Salem Cultural Centre in Kuwait.

If you’re ever visiting any of the museums mentioned, don’t forget to tag us in photos if you spot our displays!


Team UnLimbited