The 3D printing community comes together again!

We’ve been humbled by the community’s response since we shared that we are printing face shields and other protective equipment.

People across the world have mobilised to fight this virus and we’re going to beat it together.

This joint effort has inspired us to print, print and print some more, however, none of this would be possible without the encouragement and kind words of those around us.

Here at Team UnLimbited, we believe in giving the world a helping hand and it’s why we have proudly donated to another fantastic cause.

Otley Maker Space is printing face shields of their own, many of which are destined for a new NHS Nightingale hospital. 

The team there have set up a crowdfunding page and we have donated £250.

The world needs everyone to come together at this time - whether that’s local communities, businesses, governments or those with common interests - and it’s fantastic to see that happening in every country and culture.

Thank you for all your recent donations, kind words and support – it means the world to us. 

We will continue printing and here are some more photos of our team in action!

Otley Maker Space COVID-19.png
Stephen Davies